CCS Ltd offer a digital photographic and video inspection service.
Digital Photo and Video Survey using Industrial rope access provides the best means of gaining full coverage of building facades to diagnose and provide photographic evidence of the cause of any problems. In some cases the cause of a brick and plumbing problems is not readily apparent with out an inspection.
Until a client is aware of the facts surrounding the condition of the building or structure, how can he decide how best to repair or refurbish it ?
Rope access companies we will often see a simple solution to cleaning, building repairs, painting, survey - inspection, advertising banners installation, and maintenance problems that appears insurmountable, without a major budget.
Industrial rope access is a proven method of achieving a safe work position at height or in difficult to reach areas where inspection is necessary. As an rope access company will provide you with a safe, innovative and economical approach to all inspection and survey work, tailored to suit your needs. Home, About, Services, Gallery, Contact Sitemap.window cleaning